Policies and Procedures
Admission Policy
It is the policy of Ray Montessori School to offer a preschool service that is open to all families of the community. We will operate an open and fair Admissions procedure.
- A child must be at least 2 years and 9 months when starting the service
- A child must be fully toilet trained at the time of starting the service unless the child attending has special needs requirements
- Children will be admitted on a “first come first served basis” i.e in order of booking into service.
- Preference may be given to children that will be attending promary school the following year in extreem circumstances.When all availabe places are taken, children will be placed on a waiting list. Preference may be given to children that will be attending Primary school the following year.
Inclusion Policy
Ray Montessori School is committed to provide an early childhood preschool service that is fully inclusive for all children, reguardless of ability, need, background, culture, race, religion, gender or economic circumstance.
The needs of all children will be met by planning and providing an age appropriate programme and developmentally appropriate activities and equipment to ensure the holistic development of each and every child attending the service.
Families interested in enrolling their child / children in Ray Montessori School will be given an equal opportunity for admission on a first come first served basis in accordance with our Admission Policy.
Ray Montesori School acknowledges and respects the beliefs and cultures of all children and their families attending the sercice and will work in partnership with families to ensure that their child’s cultures are met to the best of our ability.
Access to any supports required to provide a high level overall programe and a fully inclusive environment for any child with special educational or physical needs will be sought form the appropriate bodies in partnership with parents / guardians.